Ziggy was proud to be named the winner of the Rehabilitation Annual Prize during the Dutch Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine (DCRM) on Friday, November 12, 2021. The prize was awarded for the 10th time and is made available by IPSEN Pharmaceuticals. The aim is to encourage innovation and thereby further improve patient care within rehabilitation.
Along with the award comes 20.000 prize money. This will be used to manufacture a fleet of 3 Ziggys to be used by Rijndam Revalidatie. The project, headed by Dr. Robert Pangalia of Rijndam Revalidatie and Erasmus MC will see the very first Ziggys can start to make a difference!

· The IPSEN Award for Innovation in Rehabilitation Care is a yearly prize in conjunction with the Nederlandse Vereniging van Revalidatieartsen (VRA)
· Read more about this in the Revalidatie Magazine
· Learn more about our partner, Rijndam Revalidatie